Find Your Target

Use Oddup to find your ideal customers through a database of 300,000 funded startups across 35 regions.

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Build target lists

Use Oddup to streamline your sales and marketing campaigns. Filter companies based on funding, sector, location and health to create a list of high value prospects that you can target via your marketing and sales funnels.

My Target List

Find the right contact

Building a list of companies is the first step, find the right person to reach out to in the founding team of the startups in your list right from the Oddup platform.

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Close deals faster

Track changes in leadership, recent funding, or any related news of your target customers. Pitch at the right time to the right people to close deals faster.

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Analyze Forex Market Trends

Deepen your understanding of forex market dynamics by analyzing trends in currency price movements, trading volume, market sentiment, economic indicators, and central bank policies. Utilize benchmark valuation methodologies to assess the intrinsic value of currency pairs, enabling the identification of favorable trading opportunities and risk management strategies.

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